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Name: Richard S. Henry

Email Address: 

Position: Postdoctoral Fellow


Dr. Henry completed his Ph.D. in health psychology at Virginia Commonwealth University in 2020. During his graduate studies at Virginia Commonwealth University, he worked as both an instructor and teaching assistant. He also holds an MA from the University of South Florida in Women’s and Gender Studies. His research focuses on (1) applying intersectional, multicultural, and health frameworks to topics of chronic health/disability, LGBTQ+, and aging; (2) examining social determinants of health (e.g., stigma, disability, individual and collective strengths, coping, and late life experiences); and (3) employing a lifespan/developmental approach to health and healthcare disparities across identity (e.g., gender, LGBTQ+, race/ethnicity, culture), and how they relate to individuals with chronic disease or injury and their caregivers. He will be involved in various projects as a postdoctoral fellow for the Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network (SPIN).


- Strategy for Patient-oriented Research Evidence Alliance. Seed grant. ($10,000) Incorporation of Recommendations for Gender-Diverse People in Clinical Practice Guidelines: A Review of Traditionally Sex-Binary Guidelines and Recommendations, (PI: Henry RS). 2020-2021.
- VCU Distinguished Dissertation Award 2020: Social Sciences, Business, Education. Virginia Commonwealth University, The Graduate School. 2020.​

- Outstanding Health Psychology Graduate Student Award. Virginia Commonwealth University, Department of Psychology. 2020.

- Elite Peer Reviewer of 2019. Rehabilitation Psychology the official journal of APA division 22. 2020.

- Sunil K. Sengupta VA Student Research Travel Award. APA’s Division 22 and the Department of Veterans Affairs for the poster entitled “Connections between Parkinson's disease symptomology and experiences of stigma.” 2019.

- Sunil K. Sengupta VA Student Research Travel Award. APA’s Division 22 and the Department of Veterans Affairs for the poster entitled “Parkinson's symptoms and caregiver affiliate stigma: A multinational study.” 2018.

Selected Publications:

Thombs BD, Kwakkenbos L, Levis B, Bourgeault A, Henry RS, Levis AW, Harb S, Tao L, Carrier ME, Bustamante L, Duchek D, Dyas L, El-Baalbaki G, Ellis K, Rice DB, Wurz A, Nordlund J, Gagarine M, Turner K, Østbø N, Culos-Reed N, Hebblethwaite S, Patten S, Bartlett SJ, Varga J, Mouthon L, Markham S, Martin, SM, Benedetti A, and theSPIN-CHAT Patient Advisory Team and Program Facilitators on behalf of the Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network Investigators. Effects of a multi-faceted education and support program on anxiety symptoms among people with systemic sclerosis with at least mild anxiety during COVID-19: A two-arm parallel partially nested randomised controlled trial. Lancet Rheumatology. 2021.

Thombs BD, Kwakkenbos L, Henry RS, Carrier ME, Patten S, Harb S, Bourgeault A, Tao L, Bartlett SJ, Mouthon L, Varga J, Benedetti A, SPIN Patient Advisors, SPIN Investigators. Changes in mental health symptoms from pre-COVID-19 to COVID-19 among participants with systemic sclerosis from four countries: a Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network (SPIN) Cohort Study. J Psychosom Res. 2020;139:110262.

Wu Y, Kwakkenbos L, Henry RS, Tao L, Harb S, Bourgeault A, Carrier ME, Levis B, Sun Y, Bhandari PM, Carboni-Jiménez A, Gagarine M, He C, Krishnan A, Negeri Z, Neupane D, Bartlett S, Benedetti A, Thombs BD, SPIN-COVID-19 Investigators, SPIN COVID-19 Patient Advisory Team. Validation of the COVID-19 Fears Questionnaires for Chronic Medical Conditions: a Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network COVID-19 Cohort Study. J Psychosom Res. 2020;139:110271.

Henry RS, Lageman SK, Perrin, PB. The relationship between Parkinson’s disease symptoms and caregiver’s quality of life. Rehabilitation Psychology. 2020;65(2):137-144.


Perrin PB, Henry RS, Donovan EK, Cariello AN, Lageman SK, Villaseñor T, Dzierzewski J, Arroyo M, Zarate A, Avila J, Soto-Escageda JA. Parkinson’s family needs and caregiver mental health: A cross-cultural comparison between Mexico and the United States. NeuroRehabilitation. 2019;45(4):433-42.


Henry RS, Perrin PB, Coston BM, Witten TM. Transgender and gender non-conforming adult preparedness for aging: Concerns for aging, and familiarity with and engagement in planning behaviors. International Journal of Transgenderism. 2020;21(1):58-69.


Tyler CM., Henry RS, Perrin PB, Watson J, Villaseñor T, Lageman SK, Smith ER, Curiel GR, Avila J, Maldonado MEJ, Soto-Escageda JA. Structural equation modeling of Parkinson’s caregiver social support, resilience, and mental health: A strength-based perspective. Neurology Research International. 2020;7906547.


Henry RS, Perrin PB, Smith ER. The underpinnings of ageism: Multiple mediational model of epistemological style, social dominance orientation, right-wing authoritarianism, and ageist attitudes. Journal of Aging Research. 2019;3672725.

Selected Presentations:

Henry RS (2018). A Multinational Study of Caregiver Affiliate Stigma and Parkinson’s Symptoms. Talk presented at the Health Psychology Colloquium, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA.


Henry RS, Smith ER, Perrin PB, Villaseñor T, Lageman SK, Pierce BS, Alam M, Arroyo M, Zarate A, Ulloa C. (2018). Parkinson's symptoms and caregiver affiliate stigma: A multinational study. Talk presented at the Annual Meeting of the APA Division of Rehabilitation Psychology, Dallas, TX.


Henry RS (2017). Discrimination, Mental Health, and Aging in Trans(gender)/Gender-nonconforming older adults. LGBTQ+ and Social Justice Student Research Symposium, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA.



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