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Name: Hassan Khan 

Email Address: 

Position: Research Volunteer


Hassan joined DEPRESSED as a Research Volunteer in December 2021. In addition to this, he volunteers at the Centre for Journalology, under the supervisor of Dr. David Moher, where he conducts research on open science and EDI practices in academia. He is also working at the Department of National Defence as a Research/Project Coordinator assisting scientists in developing and validating selections tests for the Canadian Armed Forces. Hassan received his Bachelor of Arts (honours) in Psychology from Carleton University and hope to pursue a career as scientist-practitioner in the near future. His research interests broadly include mental health, meta-research, and health services research.


- Dean’s List, Carleton University. 2020-2021

- President’s Alternative Spring Break Award, Carleton University ($1000). 2017


Khan, H., Almoli, E., Franco, M.C., & Moher, D. (in press). Open science failed to penetrate academic hiring practices: A cross-sectional study. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology.


Khan, H., & Dwyer, Y. (2022, March 25-26). Ruh: An Integrative Solution to Mindfulness for Muslims. [Oral presentation]. 14th Annual Muslim Mental Health Conference. Connecticut, USA.

Khan, H., Elham, A, Franco, M.C., Ng., Jeremy, Ayala A.P., & Moher, D. (2022, February 25-26). Teaching open science: An academic conundrum? [Oral presentation]. 2022 Toronto Data Workshop on Reproducibility. Toronto, Canada.

Khan, H., Almoli, E., Franco, M.C., & Moher, D. (2021, September 24). Has open science penetrated academic hiring practices? [Lightning talk]. 2021 Metascience Conference (Virtual).

Khan, H., Gu, F., Shevtz, C., & Guimond, S. (2019, June). Using virtual reality to improve verbal memory in schizophrenia: A pilot study. Poster presented at the 22nd Annual Cognitive Remediation in Psychiatry Conference, New York, USA.

Khan, H., Gu, F., Shevtz, C., & Guimond, S. (2019, May). Using virtual reality to improve verbal memory in schizophrenia: A pilot study. Poster presented at the 2019 Brain Health Research Day, Ottawa, Canada. 

Holly, S., Gu, F., Khan, H., & Guimond, S (2019, May). Non-verbal memory task to measure brain functioning in schizophrenia and depression. Poster presented at the 2019 Brain Health Research Day, Ottawa, Canada. 

Guimond, S., Gu F., Khan H., Ormston L., Tingue S., Padani S., Hegde R., Sandoval L. & Keshavan M. (2019, April). Cognitive enhancement therapy in schizophrenia: A quantitative and qualitative analysis of patients' experiences. Poster presented at the Congress of the Schizophrenia International Society, Orlando, USA. 

Khan, H. (2019, April). Parenting styles and adolescent risk behaviours: The benefits of authoritative parenting. Poster presented at the Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference, Ottawa, Canada. 


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