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Name: Claire Adams

Email Address:

Position: Postdoctoral Fellow


Originally from Perth, Western Australia, Dr. Claire Adams completed her Master of Clinical Psychology (2014) and PhD in Psychology (2022) at Edith Cowan University, before moving to Montreal in July 2022 to complete her Postdoctoral Fellowship with the SPIN team. 


Claire has worked in the fields of psychology and public health since 2015, as a research assistant at The University of Western Australia (2015-2020), research associate at Edith Cowan University (2021-2022), and now postdoctoral fellow with SPIN (2022-present). Claire is also a registered psychologist (Australia). 


Claire’s areas of expertise include patient and public engagement, health behavior change, mental health promotion, and knowledge translation. Claire was awarded a Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship 2023-2025 (accepted), MITACS Accelerate Postdoctoral Fellowship 2022-2024 (accepted), and CIHR Postdoctoral Training Award 2023-2026 (declined) to undertake her postdoctoral work. Claire’s work focuses on building knowledge on the best methods for engaging patients in health research and developing an evidence-based model for patient engagement in SPIN.

Academic Recognitions and Awards:

1st Prize for Best Mental Health PhD Thesis in the State. Australian Rotary Health, Western Australia, 2023.


Faculty of Arts and Humanities Research Medal for the Highest Achieving PhD Student. Edith Cowan University, 2023.


Best Student Rapid Communication Presentation. Australian Psychological Society (APS) National Health Psychology Conference, 2021. ($200 AUD)


Emerging Psychologists' Programme Participant. International Congress of Psychology 2020+. The top 40 emerging scholars in psychology are chosen with a competitive, international selection procedure to participate in the exclusive programme designed to facilitate international communication and networking among future leaders, 2020-2021.


Three Minute Thesis (3MT) Competition Runner-up. Edith Cowan University, 2019. ($1000 AUD)


Golden Key International Honour Society Lifelong Member. Awarded to the top 15% of university scholars in recognition of their tertiary academic excellence, 2010.


Travel Award:

Lady Davis Institute (LDI) of the Jewish General Hospital Travel Award. May 2023. ($750 to attend the International Congress of Psychology in Brussels, Belgium).


Australian Association of Gerontology (AAG) Student Bursary. November 2019. ($1200 AUD to attend the AAG National Conference in Sydney as a student delegate, representing the Western Australian division of the AAG).


Research Funding:

Postdoctoral funding:

Banting Postdoctoral Fellowship. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. (2023-2025; $70,000 per year).


Accelerate Postdoctoral Fellowship. MITACS. (2023-2026; $50,000 per year).


Postdoctoral Fellowship. Canadian Institutes of Health Research. (2023-2026; $40,000 per year) - declined.


Government of Western Australia Project Grant

Enhancing mental health and social care services for older adults during periods of long-term social isolation. Department of Health Western Australia Competitive Research Grant. (2020-2021; $65,000 AUD). Role: Co-Investigator. 


Doctoral Funding:

Research Training Program (RTP) Scholarship. Australian Government. (2019-2021; $28,420 per year).



Adams, C., Nassar, E-L., Nordlund, J., Dal Santo, C., Rice, D. B., Cook, V., Boruff, J. T., & Thombs, B. D. (accepted). Engagement of people with lived experience in studies published in high-impact rheumatology journals: meta-research review. Lancet Rheumatology.


Adams, C., Nassar, E-L., Carrier, M-E., Kwakkenbos, L., Henry, R. S., Virgili-Gervais, G., Hu, S., Bartlett, S. J., Fortuné, C., Gietzen, A.,  Gottesman, K., Guillot, G., Hudson, M., Lawrie-Jones, A., Lewis, N., Malcarne, V., Mayes, M. D., Patten, S. B., Richard, M., Sauvé, M., Varga, J., Welling, J., Wojeck, R., Mouthon, L., Benedetti, A., Thombs, B. D. (accepted). Changes in work and adequacy of financial resources during COVID-19 among people with systemic sclerosis: A Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network (SPIN) Study. Journal of Scleroderma and Related Disorders.


Wurz, A., Ellis, K., Nordlund, J., Carrier, M-E., Cook, V., Gietzen, A., Adams, C., Nassar, E-L., Rice, D. B., Fortune, C., Guillot, G., Mieszczak, T., Richard, M., Sauve, M., & Thombs, B. D. (2024). Researcher and patient experiences of co-presenting research to people living with systemic sclerosis at a patient conference: content analysis of interviews. Research Involvement and Engagement, 10, 13.


Adams, C., Gringart, E., & Strobel, N. A. (2023). Barriers to mental health help-seeking among older adults with chronic diseases. Australian Psychologist, 59(2), 154-165.


Adams, C., Gringart, E., & Strobel, N. A. (2023). Theory-based behaviour change intervention to promote mental health help-seeking among older adults in Australia: Initial dissemination and acceptability. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 00, 1-6.


Budrikis, A., Parry, C., Adams, C., Gringart, E., Sim, M., McAullay, D., & Strobel, N. (2023).  Enabling social care services for older adults during periods of long-term social isolation: service provider perspectives. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 00, 1-7.


Hirve, R., Adams, C., Kelly, C. B., McAullay, D. R., Hurt, L., Edmond, K. M., & Strobel, N. A. (2023). Effect of early childhood development interventions implemented by healthcare providers to improve cognitive outcomes in children aged 0-36 months: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Archives of Disease in Childhood,108(4), 247-257.


Taylor, P., Gringart, E., & Adams, C. (2023). Psychological effects of unemployment across the lifespan: A synthesis of relevant literature. Journal of Aging & Social Policy35(2), 154-178.


Strobel, N. A., Chamberlain, C., Campbell, S. K., Shields, L., Bainbridge, R. G., Adams, C., Edmond, K., Marriott. R., & McCalman, J. (2022). Family-centred interventions for Indigenous early childhood well-being by primary healthcare services. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews, 12, CD012463.


Scarfe, B., Adams, C., Gringart, E., McAullay, D., Sim, M., & Strobel, N. (2022). Maintaining social and emotional wellbeing among older adults during periods of increased social isolation: Lessons from the COVID-19 pandemic. Australian Journal of Psychology, 74(1), 2141584.


Adams, C., Gringart, E., McAullay, D., Sim, M., Scarfe, B., Budrikis, A., & Strobel, N. (2022). Older adults access to mental health and social care services during COVID-19 restrictions in Western Australia. Australian Journal of Psychology, 74(1), 2139196.


Adams, C., Albert, P., Benson, T., Cordingley, A., Daniels, B., Fynn, N., Gurgone, M., Jeffery, C., White, C., & Strobel, N. A. (2022). The realities and expectations of community involvement in COVID-19 research: A Consumer Reference Group perspective. Research Involvement and Engagement, 8(1), 54.


Adams, C., Gringart, E., & Strobel, N. A. (2022). Explaining adults’ mental health help-seeking through the lens of the theory of planned behaviour: A scoping review. Systematic Reviews, 11(1), 160.


Strobel, N. A., Adams, C., McAullay, D. R., & Edmond, K. M. (2022). Mother’s own milk compared to formula milk for feeding preterm or low birth weight infants: systematic review and meta-analysis. Pediatrics, 150(S1), e2022057092D.


Thombs, B. D., & Adams, C. (2022). Addressing fatigue in inflammatory rheumatic diseases. The Lancet Rheumatology, 4(8), e526-e527.


Gringart, E., Adams, C., & Woodward, F. (2022). Older adults’ perspectives on voluntary assisted death: An in-depth qualitative investigation in Australia. OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying, 00(0), 1-21.


Carnemolla, P., Taylor, P., Gringart, E., & Adams, C. (2021). Indicators of job quality in the Australian aged care workforce: A scoping review. Australasian Journal on Ageing, 41(2), e94-e102.


Simon, P. D., Adams, C., Choon Wee Goh, M., Farhana Suhaimi, A., & Hassem, T. (2021). Experiences and challenges in mental health research and practice during COVID-19: Perspectives from emerging psychologists across 5 countries. Asian Journal of Psychiatry, 61, 102813.


Adams, C., Gringart, E., Strobel, N., & Masterman, P. (2021). Help-seeking for mental health problems among older adults with chronic disease: an application of the theory of planned behaviour. Australian Journal of Psychology, 73(4), 426-437.


Edmond, K. M., Strobel, N. A., Adams, C., & McAullay, D. (2019). Effect of early childhood development interventions implemented by primary care providers commencing in the neonatal period to improve cognitive outcomes in children aged 0-23 months: protocol for a systematic review and meta-analysis. Systematic Reviews, 8(1), 224–232.


Marriott, R., Strobel, N. A., Kendall, S., Bowen, A., Eades, AM., Landes, J. K., Adams, C., & Reibel, T. (2019). Cultural security in the perinatal period for Indigenous women in urban areas: a scoping review. Women and Birth, 32(5), 412–426.


Phan, T., Carter, O., Adams, C., Waterer, G., Chung, L., Hawkins, M., Rudd, C., Ziman, M., & Strobel, N. A. (2016). Discriminant validity of the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, Beck Depression Inventory (II) and Beck Anxiety Inventory to confirmed clinical diagnosis of depression and anxiety in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Chronic Respiratory Disease, 13(3), 220–228.



Conference Plenary Lectures

Adams, C. (2022, November). Promoting mental health and quality of life in people with chronic and rare diseases. 3rd Jambi Medical and Health Sciences International Conference, Jambi, Indonesia (virtual).


Conference Presentations

Adams, C., Nassar, E., Nordlund, J., Rice, D. B., Cook, V., & Thombs, B. D. (2023, May). Identifying more effective ways to engage patients in health research and disseminate research results to patients. 6th Annual Integrative Psychiatry Conference, Montreal, Canada.


Thombs, B. D., Adams, C., & Sauvé, M. (2022, September). What Is SPIN up to and how can I get involved? 20th Biannual National Scleroderma Conference, Niagara Falls, Canada.


Adams, C., Gringart, E., & Strobel, N. (2022, May). Promoting help-seeking for mental health problems among older adults: co-design and feasibility testing of a theory-based, behaviour-change intervention. 5th Annual Integrative Psychiatry Conference, Montreal, Canada (virtual).


Adams, C., Gringart, E., & Strobel, N. (2021, November). Development and Preliminary Testing of a Theory-Based Intervention to Promote Mental Health Help-Seeking in Primary Healthcare among Older Adults with Chronic Illnesses. Australian Psychological Society (APS) College of Health Psychologists National Conference, Melbourne, Australia (virtual conference).


Adams, C., Gringart, E., & Strobel, N. (2021, July). Intentions to seek mental health support among older adults with chronic disease. International Congress of Psychology 2020+, Prague, Czech Republic (virtual conference).


Adams, C., Gringart, E., & Strobel, N. (2020, October). Intentions to seek mental health support services in older adulthood. Australasian Human Development Association 2020 Conference, Brisbane, Australia (virtual conference).


Invited Presentations

Adams, C., Nassar, E., & Thombs, B. D. (2024, April). Patient engagement in health research: Just do something? Jewish General Hospital, Lady Davis Institute for Medical Research, Centre for Clinical Epidemiology and Community Studies, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.


Adams, C., Sauvé, M., Nassar, E., Nordlund, J., Rice, D., Cook, V., & Thombs, B. D. (2022, September). More effective ways to engage patients in scleroderma research: A Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network (SPIN) Project. 20th Biannual National Scleroderma Conference, Niagara Falls, Canada.


Adams, C., Gringart, E., & Strobel, N. (2021, May). Intentions to seek mental health support among older adults with chronic disease. Centre for Research in Aged Care Research Seminar Series, Edith Cowan University, Perth, Australia. 


Adams, C. (2018, November). Why I choose to participate in health research: perspectives from a Generation 2 Raine Study Cohort Member. Raine Study Annual Scientific Meeting. The University Club of Western Australia, Perth, Australia. 


Strobel, N. & Adams, C. (2014). The role of support groups and ConnectGroups in ameliorating psychological distress. ConnectGroups, Perth, Australia.


Selected Poster Presentations

Adams, C., Nassar, E., Sauvé, M., Rice, D., Cook, V., & Thombs, B. D. (2024, March). Patient engagement in scleroderma research: enhancing knowledge and practice. 8th Systemic Sclerosis World Congress, Prague, Czech Republic.


Adams, C., Nassar, E., Nordlund, J., Rice, D., Cook, V., & Thombs, B. D. (2023, June). Patient and public engagement in health research: Protocol for a scoping review. Knowledge Translation Canada Summer Institute, Ottawa, Canada.


Adams, C., Nassar, E., Nordlund, J., Rice, D., Cook, V., & Thombs, B. D. (2023, March). Patient engagement in mental health research: Protocol for a meta-research study. International Convention of Psychological Science (ICPS), Brussels, Belgium.


Adams, C., Sauvé, M., Nassar, E., Nordlund, J., Rice, D., Cook, V., & Thombs, B. D. (2022, September). More effective ways to engage patients in scleroderma research: A Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network (SPIN) project. 20th Biannual National Scleroderma Conference, Niagara Falls, Canada. 


Gietzen, A., Thombs, B. D., Adams, C., Nassar, E., Levis, B., Carrier, M-E., Dyas, L., Nordlund, J., Tao, L., Aguila, K., Bourgeault, A., Konrad, V., Sauvé, M., Connolly, K., Henry, R. S., Østbø, N., Levis, A. W., Kwakkenbos, L., Malcarne, V. L., El-Baalbaki, G., Hudson, M., Wurz, A., Culos-Reed, S. N., Platt, R. W., Benedetti, A., SPIN-SSLED Support Group Leader Advisory Team. (2022, September). Effectiveness of the Scleroderma Patient-centered Intervention Network Support Group Leader EDucation (SPIN-SSLED) program among scleroderma support group leaders. 20th Biannual National Scleroderma Conference, Niagara Falls, Canada.



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